KIWMRG Research Projects

The KIWMRG is actively identifying potential research opportunities and is in discussions with a number of bodies in relation to possible research projects.

Project #1: Exploring the Competencies, Skills and Behaviours of Effective Workplace Mediators 

The Mediators Institute of Ireland (The MII) commissioned the KIWMRG to conduct a systematic review of published material on mediator skills, behaviours and competencies with a view to informing the development of workplace mediation training, standards and practice in Ireland.

The research outcomes in the form of twin reports – Shaping the Agenda Part 1 and Shaping the Agenda Part 2 – were formally launched on 10th October 2016 at the inaugural event of Mediation Awareness Week in NUIM. The reports have been well received by academics, employment bodies and unions.

‘I welcome the reports and commend them as comprehensive, well researched and well written… the reports establish that the competencies of effective meditators are multi-faceted and complex, involving technical, behavioural and analytical skills and  a knowledge of the context, forms and possible outcomes of mediation, as well as of the mediation process.’

Professor Bill Roche,
Industrial Relations and Human Resources, UCD

‘…we welcome this excellent research and will openly disseminate the findings and recommendations to a wider audience for use by practitioners, policymakers and academics. We will also use it in our teaching and learning and our engagement with the wider community.’

Peter Cassells,
Executive Director, The Kennedy Institute

‘On behalf of the MII I would like to express our sincere thanks to the team from the KIWMRG for responding so enthusiastically and successfully to our research commission. The Reports make for fascinating reading and give us a solid basis for our ongoing development of training and standards in the area of workplace mediation. ‘

Sabine Walshe,
President, The MII

‘The KIWMRG reports are both significant and timely as the Mediation Bill is now included in the Legislative Programme for the current Dáil term. The reports provide a comprehensive review of the international research in existence while also highlighting the limited availability of such research of the experience in Ireland. They pose important questions for the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland who commissioned the reports and also internal services such as the Civil & Public Service Mediation Services (CPSMS) in terms of the accreditation requirements, standards,  skills, competencies and qualities of a mediator and their influence on outcomes in mediation.’

Loughlin Quinn,
Director, Construction Contracts Adjudication Service & Civil and Public Service Mediation Service