The Kennedy Institute Workplace Mediation Research Group was established in January 2015
with the aim of developing the theory and practice around mediation on a solid foundation of applied research.

Comprising researchers and practitioners drawn from a variety of workplace contexts, the group provides a forum to explore important questions that will inform and support the continued development of the practice of workplace mediation in Ireland.


The Kennedy Institute Workplace Mediation Research Group has the following objectives:

  • To co-ordinate workplace mediation research in Ireland
    • Exploring and identifying gaps and research topics of relevance to mediation and conflict resolutions in workplaces and organisations
    • Encouraging and supporting research into employment/workplace mediation
    • Dissemination of findings to stakeholders in the broader employment context
  • Gathering and publishing of what’s been done to date
    • Setting up database and library of Kennedy Institute resources and providing access to online journals for would-be researchers affiliated to the group
    • Setting and achieving targets around new research projects that further the understanding of workplace mediation in Ireland
    • Publishing and promoting new research carried out by the group
  • Maximising involvement and providing a supportive network
    • Establish a network of researchers
    • Provide mutual support in research endeavours
    • Share knowledge and explore opportunities for collaboration
    • Use research language in a safe place